Anshan Chosun Refractories Co., Ltd. 

Anshan Chosun Refractories Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred as ACR) is a joint venture invested by one of the global-leading refractory organizations - Chosun Refractories (Hereinafter referred as CR) in  China.  Founded  in 2003 , ACR  has  become  a professional manufacturer of slide-plate & nozzle for steel-making with the honor of new  &  high  technology  enterprise  in Liaoning Province.

Within over 10 years  history since  establishment ,  by virtue of CR advanced refractory technology ,  scientific  production technique and distinguished management philosophy , ACR  products have  been widely  used  by  world-class iron and steel enterprises. Nowadays, ACR has become one of the  well known endeavors for manufacturing slide-plate & nozzle in China.

ACR's  outstanding  quality , high stability , low consumption , and green concept refractory solution for clients has always been in the forefront of the industry and leading the development direction of the refractory industry.

ACR  adheres to harmonious  &  win-win business  culture through enterprise , staff & workers , customers and society. It continuously dedicates to develop  humanistic care by providing employees healthy  &  happy  workplace , to create  value for clients by customizing high cost-effective refractory solutions, to positively undertake social responsibility for pursuing sustainable environmental development.

Copyright Anshan Chosun Refractories Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.      Liao ICP Prepare 13015161-1 No.